
Terms & Conditions

Entrepreneurcell India Private Limited is a registered Startup Legal Services Provider. As a client availing Entrepreneurcell services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Goods and Services Tax (GST) applies to our fees. A GST e-invoice and Input Tax Credit will be provided if you provide your GSTIN at the time of payment. It is your responsibility to ensure GSTIN is provided at the time of payment to receive the GST Input Tax Credit.

Where applicable, any additional government fees associated with incorporation, licensing, or trademark services will be notified upfront in the invoice, collected and subsequently remitted to the respective governmental authority.

I. WELCOME TO EntrepreneurCell!

Since we won’t have the opportunity to meet in person, it’s crucial to outline our terms of agreement clearly from the outset.

If you have any questions about EntrepreneurCell, please feel free to reach out to us. In this agreement, we refer to the EntrepreneurCell service as the “Service,” to you as the “User,” and to this document as the “Agreement.” The term “Advisor” in this Agreement includes professionals such as Advocates, Chartered Accountants, and Company Secretaries.

If you choose to use our “Business Essentials” feature, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age and fully capable of understanding and agreeing to the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties related to the creation of documents. Please contact us for any additional assistance.


EntrepreneurCell is an online platform that facilitates communication between professionals and potential users of professional services. EntrepreneurCell serves as a venue for providers and consumers of professional services to exchange information with the aim of establishing a professional relationship. However, EntrepreneurCell does not guarantee that users will successfully find an Advisor through this platform, nor do we offer any opinion on when or if an Advisor-client relationship has been formed.

To maintain an optimal environment for both advisors and clients, EntrepreneurCell does not participate in agreements between Advisors and clients or in the actual representation of clients. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the completion of any agreement or the integrity of either party. It is the responsibility of the User, not EntrepreneurCell, to assess the integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness of all individuals they communicate with on this platform. Each Advisor may have their own terms and conditions, and Users are encouraged to review these before engaging with such Advisors.

(a) Disclaimer of Advisor-Client Relationship

EntrepreneurCell is not an agent of the Advisors. It solely facilitates communication between Advisors and potential clients. Any electronic communication sent to EntrepreneurCell alone will not create an Advisor-client relationship between the User and EntrepreneurCell, as such a relationship is expressly denied.

(b) EntrepreneurCell Does Not Promote Any User

EntrepreneurCell aims to help users find Advisors best suited to their needs. It is not intended to be a source of advertising or solicitation, and the content on the website should not be interpreted as professional advice. While EntrepreneurCell may recommend subscribing Advisors if they match a User’s requirements, this does not constitute an endorsement. The transmission, receipt, or use of EntrepreneurCell does not establish an Advisor-client relationship. Users are encouraged to review the profiles of Advisors independently and make informed decisions.

(c) EntrepreneurCell Does Not Provide Any Avenue for Solicitation

EntrepreneurCell restricts Advisors from accessing private information about potential clients until the client initiates communication with the Advisor, either directly or online. Therefore, Advisors are not permitted to view any private client information unless expressly shared by the client.

(d) EntrepreneurCell Does Not Provide Professional Advice

The “Business Essentials” feature of EntrepreneurCell relies solely on user-supplied content to generate basic documents. Information provided in the “FAQs” section is not professional advice; it consists of commonly asked questions about topics such as Will creation, Lease Agreement drafting, Cheque Dishonour notices, Money recovery notices, Power of Attorney for rent collection, and other documents that may be added over time. Users are advised to consult an Advisor if they require specialized guidance on any of these documents.

(e) ‘Business Essentials’ – Resale of Forms Prohibited

EntrepreneurCell grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our “Business Essentials” feature for your personal use or, if you are an attorney or professional, for your client. Except as explicitly allowed, you acknowledge and agree that you do not have the right to modify, edit, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, enhance, or exploit any of the Forms in any manner, except for filling out the Forms for your authorized use.

By ordering a document from EntrepreneurCell, you agree that the document may only be used by you for your personal or business use or in connection with your client and may not be sold or redistributed without the express written consent of EntrepreneurCell. Reselling or distributing without permission violates EntrepreneurCell’s exclusive copyright and may lead to prosecution.

(f) Disclaimer of Representations by Users

EntrepreneurCell makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty (express or implied) regarding the ability, competence, or quality of representation provided by any of the Advisors listed through this site or any affiliate thereof.

Please note that neither EntrepreneurCell nor any of its subsidiaries or employees are Advocates, Chartered Accountants, or Company Secretaries. We are not a professional firm, and we do not provide professional advice. Nothing on our website or in the materials we send you should be construed as professional advice.

Disclaimer of Professional Advice

Our website, blog, and other materials are intended solely for informational and awareness purposes and do not substitute for advice and services from an Advocate, Advisor, Legal Professional, Chartered Accountant, or Company Secretary.

When necessary, we will facilitate a connection with a suitable professional such as Advisors, Chartered Accountants, or Company Secretaries. Please note that these professionals are not representatives, agents, or employees of EntrepreneurCell. Our site and services are just one of many sources of information available to you, and we encourage you to consider multiple sources to make an informed decision.

The decision to engage any of these professionals is significant and should be based on your own judgment. By using our services, you authorize us to make this selection on your behalf. If you disagree with these terms or prefer not to have us choose a suitable professional for you, please do not use our services.

We strive to maintain the accuracy, currency, and relevance of our content and documents. However, due to changes in laws and regulations, we cannot guarantee that all information on our site and in our communications is completely up-to-date.

Please be aware that legal requirements and regulations can be location-specific and may vary. The general information provided may not apply to every situation or circumstance.

Our sites and services are not intended to create any Advocate-client relationship, and your use of our sites and services does not, under any circumstance, create such a relationship between you and us.

Here’s the revised content in a structured, point-by-point format:

III. User Guidelines

Users of EntrepreneurCell are granted a non-exclusive, limited right to access and use the service according to the following guidelines. To ensure the service remains effective and welcoming for all users, adherence to these rules is essential. EntrepreneurCell reserves the right to deny access to its services to any user who:

  1. Uses inappropriate language:
    • Foul or offensive language is prohibited.
  2. Engages in harmful behavior:
    • Posting racist, hateful, or otherwise offensive comments.
    • Promoting illegal activities or encouraging physical harm against any individual or group.
    • Defaming any person or group, regardless of age, race, religion, or nationality.
  3. Violates intellectual property rights:
    • Engaging in copyright, trademark, patent, or trade secret infringement.
    • Offering pirated software, links to such programs, or tools to bypass copy-protection mechanisms.
  4. Disregards internet standards:
    • Posting or sharing harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or tortious material.
    • Invading others’ privacy.
  5. Disrupts the service:
    • Interfering with the service, servers, or networks connected to the service.
    • Posting advertisements, links to competing services, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” or unsolicited mass emails.
  6. Compromises security:
    • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to system areas restricted to EntrepreneurCell or other users.

EntrepreneurCell maintains the right to take appropriate action against any user who does not comply with these guidelines.

IV Disclaimer of Information Obtained on the Service and Some User-Supplied Content

(a) Disclaimer of Information Obtained on the Service

  1. Informational Resource:
    • EntrepreneurCell provides a platform for connecting users with professional advisors. It is intended for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date.
  2. No Warranty:
    • The accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information on EntrepreneurCell is not warranted or guaranteed. We assume no liability for how the information is interpreted or used.
  3. Links to Other Websites:
    • Links from EntrepreneurCell to other websites are not referrals, endorsements, or affiliations with those linked entities. We are not responsible for and make no representations or warranties about the contents of linked websites.
  4. Promotional Material and User Opinions:
    • We strive to remove any promotional material from users attempting to promote themselves on the website. The opinions and views expressed by individual users do not reflect those of EntrepreneurCell. User-submitted data is not verified before appearing on the site, so users should exercise caution.
  5. Advisor Verification:
    • While we make efforts to verify that advisors subscribing to our service are licensed and in good standing at the time of registration, we cannot track, verify, or monitor their status continuously. Therefore, we make no representations regarding the status, standing, or ability of advisors listed on the site.
  6. Independent Evaluation:
    • Users are encouraged to conduct their own independent investigation and evaluation of any advisors they consider. The decision to seek professional services and the choice of advisors are critical and should not rely solely on claims of expertise or cost.

Disclaimer of Advisor Specializations

EntrepreneurCell is not responsible for, and does not endorse, any descriptions or claims of specialization or limitations of practice made by advisors. While efforts are made to prevent false information, please be aware that no agency or board certifies these advisors as specialists or experts in any field of practice. Advisors claiming specialization are not necessarily more competent than others. It is the responsibility of users to question advisors about the factual basis of any statements they make, inquire about the certifying agencies, and verify all information independently.

Users are encouraged to exercise caution when reviewing any information provided by advisors and other parties. Although EntrepreneurCell requires advisors to comply with all relevant regulations, it is not possible for us to continuously monitor the integrity of advisors. EntrepreneurCell does not endorse the content or legality of any offers, statements, or promises made by advisors or any other parties, whether on or off this site.

Disclaimer of User-Supplied Content

At various locations on the site, EntrepreneurCell may permit visitors to post reviews, comments, and other content (“user content”). EntrepreneurCell is not the publisher or author of such user content and only stores and disseminates the ideas and opinions that users choose to post and distribute. EntrepreneurCell disclaims all responsibility for this content. If any offending material is reported, it will be removed as soon as possible. The determination of whether material is offensive will be made at the discretion of EntrepreneurCell.

V. Limitations on Use

The content available on EntrepreneurCell is intended solely for personal use and not for commercial exploitation. Users are prohibited from decompiling, reverse engineering, disassembling, renting, leasing, loaning, selling, sublicensing, or creating derivative works from EntrepreneurCell. Additionally, users may not use any network monitoring or discovery software to determine the site architecture or extract information about usage or users. The use of any automated devices such as robots or spiders, or manual processes to monitor or copy the contents of EntrepreneurCell without prior written permission is also prohibited. Users may not copy, modify, reproduce, republish, distribute, display, or transmit any part of EntrepreneurCell for commercial, non-profit, or public purposes, except as specifically permitted. Furthermore, users may not export or re-export EntrepreneurCell or any of its contents in violation of export control laws and regulations of India. Any unauthorized use of EntrepreneurCell or its content is strictly prohibited.

  1. Confidentiality

EntrepreneurCell takes reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of information submitted by users to our system and our database of advisors. However, users should be aware that using the internet or email for confidential or sensitive information involves risks that are inherent to these mediums. Since EntrepreneurCell cannot control the actions of others, we cannot guarantee that this information will remain confidential. Users are advised to exercise caution when deciding what information to input into the system. It is recommended to describe issues or disputes in general terms only and to reveal specific information only after selecting an advisor and making contact outside the service (e.g., via telephone or appointment). Advisors using this service should avoid requesting specific or confidential information through the service. EntrepreneurCell is not responsible for any release or improper use of information by users or any release due to errors or failures in the system.

VII. Indemnification

The user agrees to hold EntrepreneurCell harmless and not responsible for any harm or damages arising from the use of the service. The user agrees to indemnify, defend, and protect EntrepreneurCell from any and all liabilities, losses, claims, demands, damages, and expenses, including but not limited to advisor fees, incurred in connection with the use of the service or any content provided. This indemnity obligation also covers any breaches of the agreement or any representations, warranties, and covenants made by the user. The user acknowledges that EntrepreneurCell reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by the user, and the user may not settle any such matter without EntrepreneurCell’s written consent.

VIII. Communications and Other Data

EntrepreneurCell is not liable for any loss of data due to accidental or intentional deletion, network or system outages, backup failures, file corruption, or any other reasons.

IX. License of Your Content to EntrepreneurCell

By uploading or submitting content to EntrepreneurCell, you grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted) EntrepreneurCell a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and distribute such materials or incorporate them into any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed. EntrepreneurCell ensures that sensitive information will not be intentionally disclosed to any third party.

X. EntrepreneurCell Proprietary Rights

Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, nothing in this agreement grants any license or right, by implication or otherwise, under copyright or other intellectual property rights. The content and website are protected by copyright, trademark, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and laws. Users are permitted to use this material and information only as expressly authorized by EntrepreneurCell and may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, or create derivative works from such content or information without express authorization. Users acknowledge that EntrepreneurCell may display images and text throughout the service, and any extraction or publication of information from the system, whether electronically or in print, requires permission from EntrepreneurCell and any other concerned parties. This is not an exhaustive list—other elements of the system are also EntrepreneurCell property. Contact EntrepreneurCell before copying or distributing any content from the system.

XI. Linking to EntrepreneurCell

Users are welcome to link to the homepage of EntrepreneurCell, provided that they do not remove or obscure, by framing or otherwise, any part of the homepage. If requested by EntrepreneurCell, users must cease providing links to the site.

XII. Advertisers

EntrepreneurCell may include advertising and sponsorships. Advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion is accurate and complies with applicable laws. EntrepreneurCell is not responsible for any illegality or errors or inaccuracies in the materials provided by advertisers or sponsors.

XIII. Registration

Certain sections of EntrepreneurCell may require registration. If registration is requested, you agree to provide accurate and complete information. It is your responsibility to update EntrepreneurCell with any changes to this information. Each registration is for a single user only, unless otherwise specified on the registration page. EntrepreneurCell does not permit a) sharing of registered sections under your name with others; or b) access through a single account being made available to multiple users on a network. You are responsible for preventing unauthorized use. If you suspect unauthorized use, notify EntrepreneurCell immediately. Unauthorized use may result in the termination of user access.

XIV. Errors and Corrections

EntrepreneurCell does not guarantee that the service will be error-free, free of viruses, or other harmful components, or that defects will be corrected. EntrepreneurCell may make improvements or changes to its features, functionality, or service at any time.

XV. Third-Party Content

Third-party content may appear on EntrepreneurCell or be accessible via links from EntrepreneurCell. EntrepreneurCell is not responsible for, and assumes no liability for, any mistakes, misstatements of law, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenities, or profanities contained in third-party content. The information and opinions in third-party content do not reflect the beliefs or endorsements of EntrepreneurCell.

XVI. Unlawful Activity

EntrepreneurCell reserves the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of the Agreement and to take any actions deemed appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting suspected unlawful activities to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other relevant parties, and disclosing any necessary or appropriate information related to user profiles, email addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses, and traffic information.

XVII. Remedies for Violations

EntrepreneurCell reserves the right to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies for violations of the Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, blocking access from specific Internet addresses to EntrepreneurCell and its features.

XVIII. Conflicts Checks

Users understand that registered advisors will not perform conflict checks between the user and other clients prior to responding to a request. Conflict checks require the user to provide their name, contact information, and details about affiliated entities or opposing individuals. Since submissions to registered advisors through this service are not sufficient for conducting conflict checks, such checks cannot be performed.

XIX. Severability of Provisions

The Agreement and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement concerning the use of EntrepreneurCell’s services. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, it will be deemed severable from the remaining provisions, which will continue in full force and effect.

XX. Modifications to Terms of Use

EntrepreneurCell may update the Terms of Use at any time. Users are responsible for reviewing the Terms and Conditions before using the service. Continued use of the service after any changes will signify acceptance of the new terms.

XXI. Modifications to Service

EntrepreneurCell reserves the right to modify or discontinue, either temporarily or permanently, the service with or without notice to users. Users agree that EntrepreneurCell shall not be liable for any changes or discontinuance of the service. Termination of the service under any provision of this agreement may occur without prior notice, and EntrepreneurCell may immediately delete data and files in the user’s account and block further access to such files or the service.

XXII. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

EntrepreneurCell aims to provide reliable and high-quality services but acknowledges that errors, system failures, and problems may occur. We will not be liable for any issues or damages resulting from the use of our service. Users must accept responsibility for their own actions and cannot hold EntrepreneurCell liable for damages caused by other users or system issues.

(a) Disclaimer of Warranties

The service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. EntrepreneurCell expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not guarantee that the service will meet users’ requirements, be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, or that any defects in the software will be corrected. We make no warranties regarding the results obtained from using the service, the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained, or any goods or services purchased or information obtained through the service.

(b) Limitation of Liability

EntrepreneurCell will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use the service. This includes damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangibles, even if EntrepreneurCell has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Additionally, we are not liable for damages arising from service interruptions, suspensions, or terminations, whether such actions were justified, negligent, intentional, or inadvertent.

XXIII. Arbitration

Any disputes or claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement or EntrepreneurCell services will be resolved through binding arbitration according to the laws of India. Such arbitration will be conducted on an individual basis and will not be combined with any claims or disputes of other parties. All legal disputes or disagreements will be governed by Indian law, and the Courts of Chennai will have exclusive jurisdiction over such matters.

XXIV. Ownership

EntrepreneurCell owns and operates this site. All rights, title, and interest in and to the materials provided on this site, including but not limited to information, documents, logos, graphics, sounds, and images (collectively referred to as the “Materials”), are owned by EntrepreneurCell. Except as explicitly provided by EntrepreneurCell, none of the Materials may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, uploaded, posted, displayed, transmitted, or distributed in any manner. Nothing on this site should be construed as granting any license under EntrepreneurCell’s intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise. For inquiries about obtaining licenses, please contact us. EntrepreneurCell does not sell, license, lease, or otherwise provide any of the Materials except as specifically stated. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by EntrepreneurCell.

XXV. Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between you and EntrepreneurCell, serving as the full statement of terms. It supersedes all previous communications and agreements between EntrepreneurCell and its users regarding this subject matter. If you find these Terms and Conditions unacceptable or disagree with them, please do not use this site. We may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review these Terms and Conditions periodically. By using EntrepreneurCell services or accessing the site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these terms.

XXVI. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless EntrepreneurCell, including its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or related to your access to or use of the site and its materials.

XXVII. Cancellation and Refund Policy

At EntrepreneurCell, we are committed to providing services that meet your expectations and offer exceptional value at affordable rates. However, situations may arise where you wish to request a refund. Refund requests may be considered in the following scenarios:

  1. If you have paid for services but later decide not to proceed with them.
  2. If there is a delay in delivering our services beyond the time frame we have communicated to you due to human error on our part.
  3. If, although unlikely, you find our services unsatisfactory.

To request a refund, please email us at the address associated with your ticket, with a copy sent to attention@entrepreneurcell.com. Please note that only the professional fees component of the charges paid will be considered for a refund.

Upon receiving your email, our Senior Management will review your request and determine whether it meets the criteria for a refund. We retain the right to make the final and binding decision regarding refund requests.

It is important to note that we are not liable for delays caused by factors beyond our control, including but not limited to national or departmental holidays, delays from government agencies, acts of war, natural disasters, internet interruptions, power outages, network connectivity issues, technical failures, or security breaches.

If your refund request is approved, we will contact you via email to collect the necessary details for processing the refund, which may include your bank account number and branch IFS code. Please allow 48-72 working hours from the receipt of this information for us to process and transfer the refund.

We reaffirm that only the professional fees paid will be eligible for a refund, subject to the discretion of our Senior Management team.

We are dedicated to continually improving our services and welcome any feedback you may have. For additional queries, please reach out to our customer service team at EntrepreneurCell.com.

Thank you for your interest and support. We look forward to serving you!


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